Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Hello, Old Friend

A few years ago, I started an unexpected journey. Sparked by cute accessories and a whole lot of other people celebrating their own successes, I decided I wanted to become a runner.

I have lots of previous posts that document the beginning of that process, but due to some pretty big life changes, I abandoned my blog and sequestered my experiences to friends and family.

At one point, I stopped running altogether. I told myself I didn't have time, energy, skill. I started to feel isolated, like I'd lost my place in the running world, and I didn't know where I belonged.

I focused on work and got moved into a new department and position I deeply love. I focused building the business my husband and I started.

I began writing again, but was so focused on "being a writer" that I spent fewer words on subjects that enraptured me, and more on competition requirements and "literary" endeavors.

I dealt with some difficult times, grieving the losses of family members and a friend, and spent some time working through depression and anxiety.

I had a lot of joy, too. Time spent with loved ones and learning about myself.

Ultimately, I guess that's my (long) way of explaining where this blog has been, though I doubt anyone wondered. More importantly, though, I think this is also my way of explaining why I'm back. Over the next few posts, I plan to talk about part of that journey. I hope others will find value in my words, but, either way, I'm excited to share my steps and my missteps, and go the distance while, always, running like a princess. 

With love,

Monday, April 13, 2015


Wow... it's been about a year since I lasted posted. What the what?!

It would seem that on some level real life keeps people from doing all of the things they'd like to do. But I don't do reality well, so let's try this again.

I seem to have far too much to tell you in one post, so let's take this a little bit at a time. The last time you heard from me, I had registered for another half marathon so I could qualify for half fanatics prior to hip surgery. I can say with much enthusiasm that I did just that. Half Fanatic #6593 reporting!

Now, the Princess Half Marathon.... there's so much to say and so few words to say it with (that is unless I want to bore you all to pieces, and I'd prefer you come back, thank you very much). So here's a brief recap of the most memorable parts of that weekend:

I completed my first runDisney challenge: The inaugural Glass Slipper Challenge. For those who aren't aware, this means that I ran a 10K on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday. Just as a quick note, I dressed as Rapunzel for the 10K and Anna for the half. I remember the 10K was hot - REALLY hot. Ironic, I thought, because they had Elsa and Anna hanging out on an overpass at the beginning of the race. That aside, the 10K was nice enough, but outside of my someday-goal of completing the Dopey Challenge, I don't really plan to do a 10K at Disney World again.

The half marathon was a whole different different beast. I started with two friends, and I knew one of them was significantly faster than I so she ran ahead. unfortunately, my calves were super tight, so my other friend ran ahead too, sometime after that first mile. At first, I started to doubt myself and lost faith in my ability. I didn't want to be alone and my brain wasn't offering much support. I got over myself shortly before mile 4, where I met an incredible woman who was 23 weeks pregnant. When i asked how she was doing, I found out she'd also completed the 10K the day before and was having a tough time so far with the half. I ended up sticking by her all the way to the finish. Helping her complete her goals completely turned my day around! To me, this was the best part of the entire weekend, and I made a really great friend in the process.

I will say I was NOT a fan of the sticky humidity Florida greeted me with. I can handle heat (120 degrees in the shade anyone?). But I was SO WET. My photo in front of the castle was horrid. Oh, but I also earned my first Coast to Coast medal! I also met Jeff Galloway for the first time, ate at Cinderella's Castle, and got to be an extra in the Indian Jones Stunt Spectacular!

I loved the Princess theme and racing at Disney World was fun, but I admit, I like Disneyland better (although I have some serious castle-envy). I decided that I'll do PHM once more, once I'm fast enough to wait in line for pictures with the princes (yes, please!). Other than that? I'm thinking the Dopey Challenge and Wine and Dine need to happen at least once, but I may try to stick to the west coast for the most part.

I'll try to catch up with a few other brief recaps, but hopefully this is the start to a beautiful long-lasting relationship between my keyboard and I. In the meantime, here's a couple of quick pictures!

TTFN - Tata For Now!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Half Fanatics!

After I ran the Tinker Bell Half Marathon, I was all set to take it easy until the Glass Slipper Challenge at Disney World a month later. I looked into Half Fanatics and was disappointed the races were too far apart to qualify, but I figured I'd worry about that once I cane back from surgery. A smart individual who had only just completed her first half marathon ever would probably have left it at that. However, a runner would immediately start looking up other half marathons, because waiting to go completely insane would just be silly. I found a local race that would take place on February 16th, exactly one week before the half marathon portion of the Glass Slipper Challenge. I was going to run the IMS Arizona Half Marathon.

Inexperience be damned, I signed up. The day before the race, I found out that my grandmother had passed away. I almost decided to cancel, but as I was looking over the course map, I realized I'd run through the town she lived in. So I opted to run anyways, hoping that somehow I'd find a sense of peace and closeness. Somehow, being near where she lived made me feel like I was near her. It gave me the time I needed to apologize for not visiting more, for not calling, for not being there. Honestly, I have no idea if she knew how much I cared for her. But I took that time to make sure I said everything I forgot to while she was here. 

As for the race, it was alright, but not one I'll likely do again. Personally, I feed off of crowd support. And as one of the slower runners, I felt crowded during many parts of the race where we ran in the shoulder and oncoming traffic was only a traffic cone away. However, there was till water at every stop and the volunteers I spoke with after I finished were extremely friendly. 

On a side note, I ran in a medium Sparkle Skirt for the first time. My weight loss was finally starting to pay off and I was thrilled. Overall, it ended up being a wonderful day, and it made me reflect on mow truly blessed I am. Not only do I have a body that can push me to limits I never imagined, but I have the support of friends and family along the way. I have a wonderful husband who allows me to spend money to do races that make me happy, and running has given me peace, strength, and sanity that I never knew I had. This was a particularly difficult race because I was alone, depressed, and afraid, but by the time I reached the finish line, those feelings were replaced entirely with comfort, pride, and joy.

Next week I'll start recapping Princess Half Marathon Weekend. But as I write this post on Mother's Day, I want to take a moment to say thank you to all mothers and grandmothers. Some women have children and never become a mother, others who haven't given birth become mothers to children who aren't even theirs. I've been blessed to have several amazing women in my life who acted as mother figures for me when I needed them the most. It is from their love and strength that I become the woman I am now. Happy Mother's Day one and all!